
My name is Barry Winata and this is my curated Startup Portal to help founders and investors help become more savvy and experienced in the world of startups.

I'm an engineer, founder, designer, podcaster, investor and I've been all over the shop from Australia to the USA (Silicon Valley).

I'm also the Managing Partner of **Metagrove Ventures.**

Startups are my jam, and I have a knack for working with founders and helping them on their journey towards world domination.

If you like what you see and learn, then feel free to share or perhaps even Buy Me a Donut.

This Portal is a living organism and will be continually updated to reflect the latest news, updates and resources available.

Thanks for the support!

Note: If you find something amiss or have any questions, please feel free to comment or contact me.

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:Table of Contents

:For Founders


Angel Investor Directory

Favorite Startup Tools & Services

📄 Y-combinator SAFE Complete Documents